Dramatically Increase Your Sales With Your New Trial Use Program

Lets face it, parting with people’s hard earned money is difficult even at the best of times. B2B and B2C buyers alike are fickle and each have a complicated rationale they go through when giving consideration to making a purchase. As business owners, we are often left disillusioned by the reasons given by prospective buyers for not buying. What can we do to overcome this? Firstly we need to understand what’s going on. In my opinion there are three factors at bay including:

  1. Buyers remorse. This is the remorse a buyer feels after they make the purchase (too expensive, didn’t do what they thought it would do, too much work to make it work, etc.).
  2. Too many choices. Sometimes offering too many choices or solutions can turn a person off from making a purchase at all.
  3. The need to stick one toe in the lake vs. jumping in with two feet. This is a big one that business owners need to understand. Most people – say more than 90% of us – avoid risk. Hence, we want to try something before full adoption. This is especially true in B2B situations where the transaction value can be very large.

Trial use programs are designed to make it easier for prospective buyers to purchase by allowing them to make a smaller investment with less strings attached.

Trial use programs are just that – they allow the prospective buyer to try your services and by doing so garner a lot more knowledge about your company and the delivery of the products or services you can provide. Examples:

  1. Download our software free for 60 days;
  2. 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied after 30 days;
  3. We will provide free delivery for the first 5 units you purchase;
  4. Attend our seminar and learn about tax planning strategies that can save thousands of dollars;
  5. Need a storm door? We are offering a limited time special on storm doors this fall. Our best selling door is now being offered at 25% off and installation is free. Call now for an appointment.

It doesn’t matter what business you are in. You need a trial use program to remove the natural barriers people have in making that final purchasing decision.